Lauren’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

Healthy chocolate strawberries? Yes please!

1/2 c. sliced fresh strawberries
3/4 c. original flavor almond milk
1-2 c. baby spinach
1 packet Chocolate Infusion Amazing Meal
5 ice cubes
1 tbsp. Flax Seeds or Chia Seeds

Agave syrup to taste, depending on the sweetness of the strawberries
Blend er up!

Paulina’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

green-smoothieLove to get creative with my smoothies.

Top Layer:
1 orange
1 cup frozen mango chunks (mango balances well with spinach)
1 scoop Flax Seeds
1/2 cup Coconut Water
3 cups of spinach
1/2 frozen banana
2 kiwis
Goji berries (optional)
1/2 cup coconut water
add ice so it is denser and doesn’t mix with top layer

(coconut water can be substituted with almond milk or water)

Dawn’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

198320_1908512399516_1443014246_2212418_7057089_sI’m new at this green smoothie craze, but I decided to use collard greens and it was delicious!  This makes enough for my whole family of 4.

3 or 4 medium or large collard green leaves
1.5 cups of unsweetened almond milk
1 cup of frozen berries
1 banana
1 Tbs. of chia seeds
1Tbs. blue agave or maple syrup.
Blend well and enjoy!

Stacie’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

DSCF0449-3I’ve had my share of green monsters by a different name at health and vegan restaurants, but until I read the “Oh She Glows” blog, I had never been brave enough to make one of my own.  I am always looking for a way to disguise my veggies, and this is a perfect way for me to do it!

Here is my Mojito Monster! Tangy, fresh, and could probably benefit from a little bit of rum, but I’ll leave that up to you. 🙂

Stacie’s Mojito Monster
– 1 tbsp chia seed
– 8-12 mint leaves
– fresh lime juice (about 1 lime squeezed)
– 2 handfuls spinach
– 2 tbsp agave nectar
– 1/2 cup San Pellegrino sparkling mineral water
– 1/4 cup soft tofu (I like the consistency better without the tofu, but if you’re looking for this to be filling, I would add it!)

Mary’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

Green-MonsterCollege Student Green Monster

I am on a college-student-budget, but I LOVE the energy, taste, and health benefits of Green Monsters! I have been swept up by the movement. Because I am a college student, I used ingredients that are still healthy but also wallet-minded! Plus, Green Monsters are great because they keep me from getting sick, are fast before class, and waaaay better than terrible cafeteria food.


1/4 avocado
1/2 banana
1/3 cup soy milk
tons of ice
handful of spinach
1 tablespoon flax seed
a few raspberries


Joanna’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

Best_smoothie_everSpring is no time to feel ill! To cheer you up, I’m attaching a photo of the most impressive green/multi-coloured smoothie I have ever had in my life! I was in Ethiopia for work, and they grow so many different fruits and vegetables there, and are really good at eating lots of raw and cooked vegetables for maximum vitamins.

This smoothie contains the following layers : Mango, Avocado, Watermeleon, Pear, Papaya, more Avocado. It was so thick, I just sucked up each layer one at a time through a straw, without mixing all the colours together. Delish! Now I’m going to try to recreate it at home.

You should ask your Irish in-laws for advice on Hot Toddy recipes – something we rely on here in the UK when we’ve got a flu and a bad throat. Basically, it’s a hot ginger tea with fresh lemon, honey (to soothe the throat) and – crucially – a shot of whisky to help you sleep, lift the spirits and kick-start your immune system (sounds ridiculous but seems to work!).

Take care,

Tori’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

n1435110290_30175111_8403As a vegetarian, I am always finding new ways to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet (especially veggies, as I am a strangely picky vegetarian on top of it). When I stumbled upon the Green Monster website, I was so incredibly excited to try it that I went out to the store the next day to buy ingredients. My smoothie is amazingly delicious…I’m still experimenting, and I’m hoping to one day soon move up to adding in other things. In the mean time, this is a great way for me to get extra nutrients that I otherwise was not getting. I’ve been drinking a Green Monster every day for 2 weeks and I already feel better!

Here’s my recipe for a Purple Monster:

-Handful of fresh baby spinach (I’m not opposed to steamed, just haven’t tried it yet)
-2 to 4 stalks of kale (red works even better for the color)
-Half a container of blueberry Greek yogurt (for extra protein)
-A few splashes of V8 Light Strawberry Banana juice (the kind with the veggies)
-At least a 1/2 cup of frozen mixed berries
-1 or 2 ice cubes
-A little squeeze of organic honey (good for your allergies!)
-One banana

I’m in love. Enough said.

Carol’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

008A friend of mine lives in LA and told me about green monsters.  I was skeptical at first, but decided it was worth trying.

The first time I made a green monster, it came out brown (see recipe here:  It was still absolutely delicious, but I wanted to make a real green one! So along came attempt #2.  And it worked!  It came out green, creamy, and delicious! Here is my recipe:

2tablespoons flax seed
2 tablespoons applesauce (unsweetened)
1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1/4 cup vanilla soy milk
1/2 banana
1 kiwi
8oz pineapple
1 giant handful of fresh baby spinich

I’ve been making monsters almost every morning since!