Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Alexia’s Pre-Race Green Monster
This is my fabulous pre-half marathon Green Monster, or should I call it Green Goddess!!
I dunno how I came up with the concoction, but I just decided if this is gonna fuel me up for my big race, I better make it good! So I made sure it was a combination of some of my favorite ingredients:
2 large Kale leaves
1 handful of fresh cilantro – Love it!
1 T Chia seeds
1/2 cup Almond Breeze Vanilla Unsweetened
1/2 cup fresh coconut water (from a young water coconut) – Love it!
1/2 banana
1/2 juicy pear
5 ice cubes
Benefits of Coconut Water: The Perfect Sports Drink
-Filled with essential minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and enzymes
-High in potassium
-Low in sodium
-Naturally hydrating
-Improves digestion
-Improves blood circulation
-Promotes smoother beautiful skin
list goes on…
This is by far the best GM I have ever made, perfect sweetness from the coconut water and the banana, and the cilantro gives it a nice refreshing finish!
Unfortunately I did not take a photo 🙁 But it was RADIANT green and put a smile on my face at 4:30 am!!
Try it out for a replenishing boost!
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Martha’s Green Monster
So I did it!! YAY ME! I love smoothies and practically make one daily. But for some reason I was hesitant about trying a “green monster”. I’ve been eating a lot of spinach lately and decided it’s time Martica! So I went for it.
Here’s my recipe for a hesitant newby:
1 frozen banana
1/2 apple
1cup or more of spinach
agave nectar
Guess what? I likey! Very much!
So go and give it a try.
Eat well, live long and have a green monster!
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Michelle’s Green Monster
Hello Angela,
You have done a fabulous job with creating the green monster movement! I used to drink coffee a lot, ok I was addicted to the stuff. But now I have been doing green smoothies for almost 2 years now and absolutely love them. I sometimes miss coffee when I see it or smell it although when I really start to think about what it does to my body I walk away! It is amazing how you feel after drinking a “green” smoothie. Smoothies totally help give me the energy I need to get my day started. Which is fantastic for me because I have an extremely busy schedule.
So far I have gotten most of my family enjoying a smoothie once a day. Though, my dad still gets grossed out when he sees the color of some of them. LOL. He likes them when they are blue (not green). I guess at least he is trying them.
I have done all types of smoothie from very complicated ones to very simple ones. I just threw this one together this morning and it turned out together. This is great one to do when figs are in season. Tip: freeze your fresh figs so they are cold in your smoothie. Helps add more depth and better texture to smoothie! Enjoy!
2 stalks of kale or swiss chard
2 granny smith apples
1 cup of frozen fresh figs
3 cups water
1 packet stevia
large handful of cilantro or parsley
1 tbsp lemon zest
4 tbsp lemon juice
pinch cayenne
1/2 tsp turmeric
I like to add cayenne and turmeric to my smoothies because of their health benefits and how they aid in detoxifying the body. And the lemon helps cut out the bitterness from the greens. You can also use limes if you do not have lemons.
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Tasha’s Green Monster
Of course I had to jump on the bandwagon and start drinking Green Monster’s! I have been drinking for a little over 4 months now and I absolutely love them! Not only are they a sure way for me to incorporate much needed fruit and veggies but they have done my mind and body well!
My favorite Green Monster concoction is as follows:
almond milk, Amazing Meal, almond butter, a cup of frozen blueberries, 8-10 frozen strawberries, 1-2 ripe peaches, an orange and some ice.
Sunshine in a cup!
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Debbi’s Green Monster
I usually have a green monster every morning. My recipe make a quart so, I drink it all morning at my desk. My co-workers usually wrinkle their noses at it, with out even trying it. I just love it.
Put the following in your blender: 2 cups water, 3 handfuls of spinach, 1 handful kale, mix – 1 apple sliced, 1 necterine (or 1 cup other fruit), 1 banana, 1 Tablespoon flax, 1 teaspoon cinnimon – mix
Since I take it to work I pour it into a container and then drink glasses at work.
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009
Tamara’s Green Monster
I have always loved smoothies, but it didn’t occur to me until I saw this site to add a serving of vitamin-packed veggies to it. I tried my first Green Monster just last week, and now I can’t go a day without one!
I like my smoothies cold and thick, so I freeze all the solids in my favorite recipe. It takes a strong blender and a lot of patience, but the result is the closest thing to a healthy milkshake you can get. Instead of breakfast, I make it for dessert :p
-1 cup frozen spinach
-1/2 a frozen banana
-1/2 cup frozen fruits (I use a mix of pineapples, mangoes, peaches and strawberries)
-1 cup light plain soy milk
-a drizzle of honey
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 25-10-2009

Sean’s Green Monster:
I mixed together a Green Monster with a banana, apple, 1 scoop whey, 1tbsp peanut butter, 1 handful of spinach and loved it! It fueled me to first place in my age group for my first half marathon. 😛
Really enjoy your blog, good work.
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 01-10-2009
Alyson’s Green Monster
I have been drinking green monster for a few weeks, trying everything! Everything was yummy, but this is by far the best. Pared down, simple, but incredibly refreshing. I don’t like ice because it waters down my green monster, so i freeze most of the fruit to get the texture. These green monsters just start your day off on the right foot!!! My boyfriend although turned off by the greenness says this is by far his favorite~
1 cup of vanilla almond milk
1 ripe banana
2 cups of spinach
1 scoop of Amazing Grass Green Superfood
1 tbsp of hemp seeds
1 1/2 cup of frozen cantaloupe
1 cup frozen peaches