Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 10-11-2009
Kate’s Green Monster:
I started drinking Green Monsters around the time Angela started blogging about them. I keep a food diary and I started to notice that every breakfast was a Green Monster!! My Green Monster combo pumps me so full of energy and once I’ve had it I am ready for an awesome run!
Here is what goes in my drink:
-2 cups spinach
-1 frozen banana
-3/4 cup skim milk
-Genuine Health Proteins+ (Vanilla)
-Amazing Grass Chocolate or Original
I change things up every now and then, but this is my go to recipe!
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 10-11-2009
Rebecca’s Green Monster:
I love green monsters and have them in the mornings if I’m feeling sluggish or ate not so great the night before. This morning I added:
1 cup spinach
1 very ripe banana
1 TBSP ground flax
1 cup skim milk
and when I looked through the fridge I found a small beet from the batch I roasted earlier this week that was begging to go in – so I threw her in!
My ‘green’ monster came out dark pink – it was very good and the beet added a nice interesting flavor to the mix.
Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 10-11-2009

Courtney’s Green Monster:
Wow! I had been reading this website and talking about making a green monster. I was so afraid it would taste gross so I kept talking about it until I went to the store this morning and picked out what I wanted to put in it. I came home and looked on the recipe website for the one I thought would suit me best. I tentatively took my first sip and just kept drinking! It was amazing!!!!! So yummy <3 I used:
1 handful baby spinach
1/2 banana
1 peach
7 or 8 ice cubes
I was thinking that little amount would only make one glass but it made three!!! I drank 2 of them and shared the third with my dad.