Jess’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010

DSC01832One day when I couldn’t decide whether I wanted a green smoothie or cereal for breakfast, I decided to combine the two! This green-monster-in-a-bowl sure is ugly but so good! Sometimes I’ll top it with uncooked oats instead of cereal and let it soak for a few minutes. My boyfriend used to think I was nuts but he’s gotten used to it : )

A typical mix:

*half a frozen banana
*1 cup kefir or yogurt
*1 big handful baby spinach or kale
*a few strawberries
*vanilla protein powder (on days I know I’ll need the extra fuel)
*cheerios or uncooked oats for topping

Kaycee’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010

FOOD-031I’m always on the search for fresh new recipes to make and enjoy, especially for breakfast, or pre/post workout. After stumbling across the Green Monster, I’ve been putting my creativity to the test, adding this and that to my Green Monsters. What I’ve come with are refreshing, vitamin packed, delicious drinks that always make me feel up and ready to go! One of my most recent experiments is pretty clean and simple:

-about 1 cup of frozen spinach (or 1 1/2 of unfrozen)
-1/2 banana
-1 peach
-a splash of almond milk (or any other milk)
-lots of ice!
blend it all up, place in a pretty glass, and halve 4 sweet strawberries to put in glass.
The end result isn’t too sweet, so eat with a muffin! Or any other breakfast pastry =]

MJ’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010

I’ve always loved smoothies and Spinach and when I heard about the Green Monster smoothies is on the Weight Watchers site (I’m currently trying to lose 100+ pounds) I thought that this might be a filling and nutritious addition to my daily routine.

Here are my 2 favorite recipes:

1 frozen banana
5-6 frozen or fresh strawberries
2 handfuls or cups of fresh Spinach
1 Tbs ground Flax seeds
1 Tbs wheat germ
3 sprigs Fresh Mint
1 scoop Soy Protein Powder
1 cup skim milk

I loved the taste, could taste the banana and strawberries with a hint of the fresh mint.

2 handfuls or cups fresh Spinach
2 scoops Soy Protein Powder
large handful frozen mixed berries (blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries)
couple of dashes of Pure Peppermint Extract
1 Tbs wheat germ
1 cup skim milk
1 packet Stevia

This was a last minute decision tonight to make a Green Monster, was out of bananas, had no fresh mint and forgot the Flax. I found it needed the Stevia to sweeten things a little for me.

Karen’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010

smoothieI, like so many others, was really skeptical about trying the green monster.  But I did and it was delicious!  I also tried a chocolate cherry bomb green monster — and my kids (whoare 6 and 8) even scarfed that one down!

My variation stems from my love of Tazo Zen green tea and the fact that I wanted to get some protein into my green monster.  I don’t usually have protein powders in my house and was having a hard time finding some in stores.  So, I started adding some cottage cheese and making green tea ice cubes!  So, here it is:

Greener Green Monster

2-3 c raw spinach
1/4 c low fat cottage cheese
1 T flax
1 c almond milk
1 small frozen banana
5 or 6 frozen cherries
cinnamon, to taste (optional)
4-6 green tea ice cubes

Nikki’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 02-09-2010

greenmonsterrevI made this 2 weeks ago. I didn’t want to submit right away, I had to make sure I believed what I was going to write. I seriously needed to get some more superfoods in my diet, and visited a raw food cafe not too long ago and get a green smoothie there. I came home and immediately experimented and this is what I got. Delish
This was made with:
1 banana
1 c spinach
1c kale
8 oz vanilla almond milk
5 frz. strawberries
1 t flax oil
1 scoop vegan protein powder
It was so good. Even my son, who has an aversion to anything green even asks me to make them for him!

Lauren’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 02-09-2010

This is my first one and I love it!

1/2 large cucumber peeled
1 medium peach frozen
1/2 medium banana frozen
2 cups spinach (microwaved in water, drained and chilled)
water to taste

put it all in the food processor 🙂