A little about me~ i’m a 35 year old single mom of two kids. I am currently going to Everest College for Massage/Spa, graduating in December and a little nervous about that.
In November 2010 I went to the Dr for a regular checkup. When I was weighed in and saw the numbers on the scale I thought I was going to fall off the scale “297” Oh my gosh I can not believe it. I always new I was overweigh but to that extent, NO! My blood pressure out the roof, as well as my cholesterol, beginings of diabetes, etc… With heart and health issues running really high in my family and having two kids to live for I decided something had to change and quick, I didnt want to die. But what do I do, all I know is what I was raised up with. And when I looked back it was a family generation pattern of unhealthy eating and I didnt want my kids to end up here where I am.
So that day I went home and completely cleaned out my cupboards, fridge and freezer of all junk food, processed food etc… Went to the store and stocked up on all things i knew to be better. My kids fought me hard, it was a change for all of us and they didnt like it. It was hard as I struggled greatlyeating the same boring meals.
One Year later I have lost 85 pounds, however it seems I get so bored or something happens and I fall off track. I have gained back ten pounds but it’s like I go into self destruct mode and self sabotage what I do as if I dont deserve it.
Then out of no where I ran across this site and reading your blogs has set a spark in me. I was reading up on going vegan as this is what I would like to do for at least 90% of my diet. It’s hard for me to do most things because I have something going on in my digestive track which is why i was considereing going vegan in the first place.
So as of the other day I decided to do a 3 day juice fast to hopefully help my digestive tract from the overload and give it a break. I had my first green monste this morning.
Recipe: Spinach 2-3 cups, 1/4 beet, blueberries 1/4 cup, and carrots 4 blended with 1 cup soy milk, ice and blended.
Lunch I juiced not blended: 3 cups kale, 3 carrots, ginger 2″pc, garlic 3 cloves, sweet potato, and sweet potato.
I plan on having to blended green monsters a day and two glasses of veg.juice a day with herbal detox tea, other herbal teas, broths low sodium, and water for 3 days to detox my body. i will dry brush my body once a night and get into a sea salt and ginger bath to aid in detoxification.
After I will continue to do a green monster drink at least once a day. I am planning on doing a garden to use all my own veggies. I also can not wait to start getting a better income so I can purchase amazing meal chocolate infusion and other amazing grass products. I am purchasing a wheat grass juicer so i can have a liquid shot a day as well. I’m also drinking alkalized chinese medicinal machine. I hope all this will help my digestive and heal whatever is going on in my stomach.
i cant wait to try your recipes as well, they all look so good. I’m also going to try and start my own blog of my weightloss and nutrition successes. I am staying focused with your quotes as well, writing them down and posting them throughtout to clean my body and soul. Thanks again for all your inspiration, Cant wait to see what all you do. PS, i to plan on doing a triathlon 🙂 best wishes, sorry so long, i like to write!
Hi Angela,
You should try drinking 1-2 oz of aloe vera juice per day. It can be pretty gross to drink alone but I mix mine with juice and it has helped my digestive issues incredibly. I’ve had terrible acid reflux – to the point that my GI doc thinks it might be auto-immune but we haven’t found the source yet. I’ve given up all of the irritants like caffeine and acidic fruits, etc. but nothing has helped me anywhere near as much as the aloe vera juice. I buy George’s brand at Whole Foods and find it’s the least bitter. Good luck with your triathlon!