L’s Green Monster Story


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-08-2011

I started making green smoothies in October of 2009.  Since that time I have lost 40 pounds and have managed to keep it off.  I have embraced this lifestyle change so much that I routinely drink green smoothies for breakfast and lunch.  When I do eat out these days, I have no shame and eat whatever I like, but I always go back to my green smoothie daily routine.  I too have noticed increased engery, lower blood pressure (it was not high to start with), lower cholesterol, less skin break outs, and less bloating that used come with my regular diet.  I just connot say enough about green smoothies!   Now my sister and my mom have joined the green community as well!  If you are going to make this kind of lifestyle change you need to invest in a very good blender.  I use Vitamix, but I am sure there are others on the market.

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-08-2011


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