Keri’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 18-08-2009

untitledKeri’s Green Monster:

My favorite green monster is not exactly a smoothie, but I’m sure it could be made more similar to one… It’s called
Dirty Green Monster Oats (Serves two):
2/3 C Old-Fashioned Oats
2/3 C Water
2/3 C Unsweetened Vanilla Soymilk
1 Ripe Banana
As much spinach as you want… I used about 4-5 unpacked cups baby spinach
**Combine water, soymilk (or any _milk you prefer), banana, and spinach in a blender.  Blend until smooth and liquid.  Pour oats and liquid into pot and cook on the stovetop like regular oats, stirring regularly until all liquid is cooked in.  Put in bowl (or container if saving for later).  When ready to serve (hot or cold– I liked mine cold out of the refrigerator), sprinkly on about a half serving (or however much you desire) of protein powder (chocolate OR vanilla).  Then, dig in the “dirt”, find the green goo, and consume!  Yumm! 
It was an awesome way to cook the spinach a little bit to release some of it’s nutrients, as you’ve said steaming does.  I just love how green it gets!
Thanks Angela,

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 18-08-2009


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