On my trip to Singapore, I was experiencing green monster withdrawals; when will someone create a travel-sized non sharp blender? Maybe a green monster revolution where everyone sports “green monsters” like people now sport Starbucks? Until then….
Anyhow. My answer to the green monster absence was the following: a daily dose of coconut water from a fresh coconut and Green Monster beer from the Red Dot brewery. The Green Monster beer is infused with spirulina!
I have a Trivest Travel Blender and it is terrific…I spoke about it here http://girlonraw.com/2009/12/22/572/
It has travels from Cuba, to London to the USA with me. The perfect travel blender for Green Monsters.
I have a Tribest Travel Blender and it is terrific…I spoke about it here http://girlonraw.com/2009/12/22/572/
It has travels from Cuba, to London to the USA with me. The perfect travel blender for Green Monsters.