Emily’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 27-06-2010

GMAfter seeing these smoothies make appearance on numerous blogs I follow, I had to give it a try. I am now on the GM bandwagon! I added small amount of Matcha to my GM. This ground up green tea is packed with nutrients.
My roommate caught me making a Green Monster and I haven’t heard the end of it. She was sitting in the kitchen while I was putting the ingredients in the blender. We were in the middle of a conversation when I grabbed a handful of spinach and she stopped what she was saying. “You are NOT putting that in there!” She couldn’t understand why I would do such a thing. I tried to explain- it’s good for you- remember Popeye?
I actually got her to try it and she admitted that she couldn’t taste the spinach, but the fact that it was green still freaks her out.

1 Banana
1 Cup Vanilla Almond Milk
1 Big handful of Spinach
1/2 Teaspoon Matcha Powder

Best served in a “Camp Rock” cup 🙂

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 27-06-2010


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