You are simply fantastic! I was glad I ponied up and finally tried this out.
I posted about this awesomeness here:
Yesterday I attempted a first. Heard of a green monster? No, not the wall at Fenway. It’s a spinach smoothie. Gasp! I can picture my mom rolling those eyes now. Seemed easy enough, few ingredients and a simple game of ‘will it blend’.
For my “Virgin Green Monster” I used:
2 handfuls of spinach
1 banana
1/4 cup berries
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Ice & Water
Verdict, it was my first so it’s only up from here, right? Clearly my green monster was not feeling well as it has a darker shade of purple, complements of Trader Joes’s blend o’ berries. Our very own Nutritioneer had the “are you HIGH, Claire” look on his face for sure. But in the end, I got a “not bad…too much cinnamon.” Blerg.
Applause and kudos to Oh She Glows because oh she pretty much rocks and has started an entire Green Monster Movement. Thus she was the inspiration for me even knowing what these monsters were about.