Ellen’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010

IMG_1400I guess you could say I had lost my mojo. I lost my spark both physically and emotionally. I was drowsy all the time, I wasn’t interested in getting out to do things, and my skin and hair were as lackluster as my attitude. For someone who is usually high energy, I felt like a different person. It took me a while to do something about it, unfortunately. But the green monsters were among my first steps.

After reading about green monsters on OSG and checking out the GMM website, I figured it couldn’t hurt. Well, I got hooked. They were feel good smoothies that nourished me inside and out. It was just the push I needed to get back on my game and start seeking information on what had been bringing me down the last few months.

My current favorite: banana, handful of spinach, cup of almond milk, one scoop of chocolate Amazing Grass, a spoonful of Maca powder, and a scoop of peanut butter. (Also posted here on my website: http://www.keepinthepace.com/?p=1315 ). Thank you!

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 03-09-2010


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