Kristina’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011

SAM_0313-2Oh dear!  I hate to admit it, but I am kind of obsessed with reading your blog!  I’ve been juicing for a while, any my three kids LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.  My 4 year old would drink green juice all day long.  We call it “strong juice”.

I decided to try out your green monster, but really wanted to add some other protein to it, and make it more of a meal replacement.  I have seen amazing grass, but I thought to myself that I might stick to it more if I don’t psych myself out!! (Flavor + texture + yuck = deal breaker and wasted funds)

I wandered over to Sunflower Market…..a “farmers market” grocery we have here in Las Vegas to see what they had.  The lovely sales gal pointed me toward a plant protein mix which consists of ….are you ready……pea, hemp, rice and chia seed.  It’s called Life’s Basics and it comes in Vanilla flavor.  Then….and here comes the best part….she tells me it tastes like cake batter.   I mean come on!  CAKE BATTER….is she out of her mind? Either she has no taste buds, or it could possibly be the best thing I have ever found that is under $25.00 a can.

I decided to buy it.

Now normally I would be ripping into it and getting way ahead of myself to even make it the right way.  Not this time. I waited until my kids were busy….got out the ninja (my blender) and the following ingredients:

1 cup of almond milk
1 scoop of Life’s Basics Plant Protein
1 handful of washed, organic spinach leaves
1 fully ripened, but frozen banana. (When my bananas are fully ripe and I don’t want to eat them I freeze them, that way when I make a drink I can skip the ice.)

Lid on…and away we went.  And of course….in the tradition of green monsters everywhere… turned BRIGHT, and beautiful green.

Into the glass it went.  I started out with a small glass….small like a shot glass…..and then it happened…..

Lifted glass to lips and I kid you not…..I was drinking Vanilla Cake Batter with a hint of banana.  It was heaven

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011


Comments (2)

hey i live in las vegas and go to sunflower market. i will look for this, this weekend. Thanks for the tip. I LOVE Green Monsters!!

I bought the protein on amazon and the taste is great! I used half a cup of skim milk and half a cup of almond milk. Also I used frozen and reg banana. My shake was thick thanks to my ninja blenders, but it wasn’t very cold and too creamy for me. Next time I think I will use less protein, less banana, and more ice.

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