Kristen’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011

P7280626Hi Angela,

So this is my (condensed) story… my boyfriend and I moved in together in May. We don’t necessarily eat poorly, but definitely not as good as we should. On top of that, I’ve been keeping up with his food intake and in the last 4 months, I’ve gained a good 10-15 pounds. The other day I started reading some random healthy blogs trying to get ideas and inspiration when I came across Oh She Glows and the Green Monsters. Angela, you’re very inspiring and I love the idea of the Green Monsters!

I wanted to try my own, but I’m so new to the world of whey and flax and Greek yogurt. I thought chia seeds were only used for chia pets. 🙂 So with my lack of knowledge, I kept my first Green Monster simple but delicious:

Low fat strawberry yogurt
A banana
A cup of vanilla soy milk
2 handfuls of spinach

It was awesome. I even made the boyfriend try some and he loved it! If you have any advice about chia seeds or anything else, or if you can point me in the direction of how I could learn more, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011


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