Kate’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011

breakfastI’ve began adding protein shakes to my nutritional routine because I’ve been finding it difficult to lose weight. Over the past five years I’ve cut things out, modified, and become more organic but nothing worked and I found myself with less and less energy. In the course of my research, I came across one man who said he made his shakes with spinach. It’s now become one of my favorite drinks, so imagine my delight when I came across your Green Monster Movement. This shake is made with 2 cups pineapple juice, one banana, 1/2 cup of frozen mango chunks and a scoop of Designer Whey. I whir them together with my Cuisinart Stick which I find works much more efficiently than any blender I’ve ever owned. Oh, yes, and I do believe I have more energy when I stick to the routine of having at least one Green Monster a day.

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 13-01-2011


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