Jackie’s Green Monster


Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011

P1010130Here’s my purple monster!
I am on a restrictive diet because I have a bladder disorder and can’t eat most fruits except blueberries, pears, and some apples.
Green monsters are a great way for me to eat my fruits without getting tired of the same old same old.
My recipe:
1/2-1 cup spinach or kale
1/2-1 apple
1 pear
3/4 cup blueberries
1 tsp ground flax seeds
1 cup water

Very light and refreshing!

Posted by Angela | Posted in Reader Recipes | Posted on 17-06-2011


Comments (2)

Yay! Thanks for posting my recipe!

Thanks for the recipe, my mom has a bladder disorder also..I will be making this for her!!!! 🙂

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